Post Oil Solutions presents third annual No Gardener Left Behind Expo

BRATTLEBORO — Everybody can grow an easier and better garden this season. Come see how on May 15 when Post Oil Solutions hosts its third annual No Gardener Left Behind Expo, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the River Garden in downtown Brattleboro.

From soil building and seed starting, to food storage and extending the growing season, this free event is all about making it easier to feed ourselves, and our communities, out of our gardens - 12 months of the year.

The room will be full of community resources designed to make gardening this year an easy, fun and popular activity. Exhibits and mini-workshops every half-hour will inspire beginners and masters around these themes such as soil building; planting a “9 x 12 garden;” easy, inexpensive grow lights; neighborhood hoop houses; hand tools; seed starting; perennial vegetables and flowers; container gardening;  cooking, canning, and food storage; and composting.

Other highlights include seeds and seedlings for sale by local farmers; perennial flowers, herbs, and edibles available by donation; books for sale from Everyone's Books; kids activities led by Lisa Holderness of Deer Ridge Farm; food prepared using local ingredients with recipes; and a raffle for gardening related stuff. There will also be information about how to get more involved in building the local food system.

Organizations involved include Vermont Foodbank, UVM Extension/4H, Master Gardeners, Brattleboro Farm to School, Brattleboro Food Co-op, and the Neighborhood Market on Elliot Street.

While the event is free, but Post Oil Solutions hopes that people take home information, leave a donation, and make a commitment to do something. All proceeds to benefit the work of Post Oil Solutions.

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