
Fighting Brooks House fire cost town $23,000

BRATTLEBORO — The Brooks House fire directly cost the town $23,000, said Town Manager Barbara Sondag.

The five-alarm fire on April 17 rendered the downtown 1871 building uninhabitable, displacing 60 residents and 10 businesses.

Overtime gobbled up most of the $23,000, said Sondag.

The fire caused multiple town employees to work longer hours - from the firefighters working to contain the fire, to employees who helped keep Brooks House open during the week the town took over the structure while residents and businesses removed their belongings.

Also included in the cost was a fire hose that was destroyed during the fire.

Sondag said the cost estimate did not include mutual aid-related expenses, the 1.8 million gallons of water used to douse the fire, or the time of salaried town employees.

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