BMH offers free tobacco-cessation class

BRATTLEBORO — Brattleboro Memorial Hospital is offering another of its free series throughout the year of multi-session tobacco cessation programs.

This six-week class of Vermont Quit Network starts on Tuesday, June 21, and goes to July 26. It will be held in the Tyler Conference Room on the first floor of the main hospital. Class times are 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. For more information about the BMH class, or to register, call 802-251-8456.

The weekly program offers group support as well as individualized strategies to help participants quit smoking for good. The tobacco cessation program provides a logical progression to quit smoking, including awareness of the smoking habit, addiction problems, and actual behavior change.

Participants will experience a step-by-step process to quit smoking. Weight control, stress management, and social interactions will be covered during the program. Free nicotine replacement therapies such as the patch, gum, and/or lozenges will be available for Vermont residents.

Placing emphasis on long-term maintenance, these classes and the group coaching programs are designed to help individuals gain control of their own life and to help them stay off tobacco. There is no cost for these programs. Help is available at the Vermont Quit Network, 1-877-YES-QUIT.

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