BMH awarded grant by National Breast Cancer Foundation

BRATTLEBORO — Brattleboro Memorial Hospital has received a $20,400 grant from the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NCBF).

The grant will be used to support BMH's Comprehensive Breast Care Program, primarily in the areas of patient navigation, breast cancer screening, and coordination of post-diagnostic care.

“This grant will benefit low income women through greater accessibility to the BMH Breast Care Program,” says Kelly McCue, RN, program administrator and nurse navigator, adding that a smaller portion of the grant will be used to produce educational materials and provide administrative support.

The National Breast Cancer Foundation is based in Frisco, Texas. Its mission is to save lives through early detection and to provide mammograms for those in need.

McCue says that approximately one-third of the women in Windham County did not get mammogram in the past year, largely due to lack of health insurance and awareness of the importance of early detection.

“Breast cancer, caught early, is typically less complicated to treat and less invasive to your body and your life,” says McCue.

To schedule an appointment with the BMH Comprehensive Breast Care Program, contact McCue at 802-251-8437.

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