
Closing VY would ignore the good that Entergy provides

VERNON — What charitable organization could afford to have a loss of 27 percent in its fundraising?

In 2010, the United Way of Windham County raised $500,000 through community fundraising. Of that amount, Vermont Yankee employees, through personal contributions and a corporate match, provided $136,000, which was 27 percent of the entire amount generated by the campaign that year.

How many local companies or businesses would be able to assist in the recovery of funds that would be lost if Vermont Yankee were shut down?

I do not believe that if Vermont Yankee were shut down, the demand on the United Way would decrease by 27 percent to reflect the loss of the annual Vermont Yankee contribution.

The United Way helps more than 19,000 families in Windham County, and that number is growing. It supports 19 groups in the community. Without the generosity of Vermont Yankee employees, the budgets for those organizations would have to be cut.

How many families would have to do without the help they require?

Vermont Yankee also sponsors many other community resources.

In 2010, Vermont Yankee employees shopped for Project Feed the Thousands. Through the plant's contribution, as well as through many other donations, the Brattleboro Area Drop In Center was able to fill 25 semi-truck loads of food for our friends and neighbors.

The 2010 renovation of the Brattleboro Boys & Girls Club facility was sponsored by Vermont Yankee.

Sixty Vermont Yankee employees, with the help of GPI Construction, dedicated several weekends to replace the dance floor, computers, and carpeting, and to repair the exterior of the building. The project will be completed in 2011 after the replacement of the building's upper windows.

Vermont Yankee employees live locally and support the community. These projects were completed by employees who donated their time and were supported by funding from Entergy contributions. Without the Vermont Yankee employees, these gifts would not have been possible.

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