
Music festival organizers thank volunteers

BRATTLEBORO — The Safe and Green Campaign and the organizers of the Positively Charged Music Festival give a big thanks to all who helped make the Festival a sweet success.

More than 400 people enjoyed a perfect late-summer afternoon on the weekend of Sept. 17 at the Amazing Planet Farm. The farm provided a beautiful and spacious venue, while its solar collectors pumped energy into the power grid even as we were drawing upon it for the sound and lighting systems.

Thirty-five musicians from seven bands provided festival-goers with inspiring, high-energy music all afternoon and into the evening. Thomas Judd, who worked with his crew from 9 a.m. until past midnight, ran the sound system and made sure that everyone could hear every note and word. Local venders provided delicious sustenance from beginning to end.

The crowd was mesmerized by Keiko Kokubon and Chiho Kaneka as they shared their pain and hopes for the people living around Fukushima, still suffering in the aftermath of the triple nuclear reactor meltdown.

Thanks also to Diane Tayeby, Steve West from WKVT, and Kendra Ulrich from the New Hampshire Safe and Green Campaign for sharing their respective visions for a nuclear-free region and encouraging citizens to continue their involvement in closing and replacing Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee.

More than 100 people helped make this event a success. We can't name them all, but we appreciate every one of them. They volunteered because they believe that we Vermonters have the right to decide our own energy future, and their work was just one way to help make that happen.

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