
Shocked at dismissal of longtime nonprofit leader

BRATTLEBORO — As a former member of the board, and a long-time supporter, of The Gathering Place, I was dismayed to learn of the dismissal of Lynn Bedell.

Lynn accomplished so much during her time at The Gathering Place. She supervised the renovation of the new building, hired excellent staff to broaden the program, and kept the organization fiscally sound - all the while with the deep respect and full support of her staff and of the families the center serves so well.

Because of Lynn's leadership, The Gathering Place in Brattleboro is viewed as a model for adult day programs throughout Vermont.

With all this in mind, it is hard to believe the board had any legitimate grounds for firing Lynn. Lynn was fired summarily and asked to leave that same day - after 10 years of strong leadership and dedication to those she served.

This was wrong.

Even more, this reckless decision leaves questions about the present board and the stability and future of The Gathering Place.

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