
VY workers committed to safety, precision, detail, dedication, skills

What does it mean to be a nuclear worker?

Above everything else, safety is first. Every action taken must be thoroughly evaluated to assure that it will not compromise safety.

Precision and detail are required; procedures must be followed exactly.

Dedication is mandatory; whenever there is an issue to be addressed, it must be addressed thoroughly and promptly.

Skills must be developed, honed, and maintained to ensure that work performed is of the highest quality obtainable.

I have worked in the nuclear industry for over 39 years; over 32 of them at Vermont Yankee.

I have worked at every nuclear plant in New England. The men and women I work with at Vermont Yankee consistently demonstrate these characteristics and perform their duties as well as, or better than, any group of nuclear workers I have ever met. I am extremely proud to work with them.

Because of these workers, Vermont Yankee has been repeatedly evaluated by nuclear experts, both governmental and non-governmental, as meeting the highest standards in an industry that has extremely high standards.

Vermont Yankee produces 650 megawatts of electricity 24 hours a day, 365 days per year while avoiding emissions of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxide. This clean energy is produced in Vermont, in the United States, and is not under the control of foreign governments.

We should not let the political agenda of a few misguided individuals put an end to this valuable resource.

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