
Was ‘shame’ headline appropriate?

Where were the other 2,997 residents?

SAXTONS RIVER — Whether we like it or not, agree or disagree, it is a sad fact that the warming shelter/homeless issue is becoming Bellows Falls' “shame” by default [Editorial, Dec. 14].

It may be unfair - but it's there. And if villagers feel strongly enough about being mislabelled in the press, then they need to speak up and show by their actions that its an unwarranted criticism.

Where are the voices of the other 2,997 Bellows Falls village residents raised in protest or questioning the three Rockingham Zoning Board members who have made such a non-choice for their village as a whole?

Why hasn't there been the same kind of public outcry and demonstration of outrage as there was with the “local barber incident” on the Square when people picketed on the street?

Personally, I don't agree with the shame-and-blame game, but at some point, I feel that folks need to accept responsibility for actions of those they elect or appoint - those who are supposed to be representing their interests - and counter them in some way when they no longer show the kinds of wisdom, kindness, and compassion that residents hold dear and/or expect from those who represent them in local offices.

It's hard not to think, especially at this time of year, that Mary and Joseph would have been hard-pressed to find a place to rest and stay warm overnight if, in their journey, they had chanced upon the little village of Bellows Falls.

Fair or not, this is part of the kind of deep emotional response and disaffection some may feel stirred up by this Warming Shelter issue.

I agree that shaming is not helpful or constructive, but I also believe that caring and acting with wisdom and compassion is both helpful and constructive - and could help us each improve the choices we make individually, and together.

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