
Around the Towns

Saxtons River's annual Village meeting is April 9

SAXTONS RIVER - The voters of the Village of Saxtons River will hold their annual meeting Monday, April 9 at 7:30 p.m. in the library of the Saxtons River Elementary School.

Voters will hear reports from village officials and be asked to approve a budget for general operating expenses of $50,150, a slight decrease from last year.

Elections for four trustee positions will also be held, including the remaining one year on a two-year term that resulted from a resignation.

Additionally, two two-year terms and one one-year term are open. They are currently held by Louise Luring, Matthew Brennan, and Timothy Clark, respectively.

Other positions to be filled are moderator, treasurer, village clerk, two auditors, and tax collector.

Copies of the annual village report are available at the Village Market. The SRES library is handicapped accessible.

Village water report now available

BELLOWS FALLS - The Bellows Falls Village Water Department will be sending out its 14th report on the Village water system with its April bills.

The report is required by the federal Safe Drinking Water Act. This year's Consumer Confidence Report covers the period between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2011 per the requirements of the Act. The report will also be posted on the municipal web site at

Copies will be available in the Municipal Offices at Town Hall for renters and others who do not receive water bills. Copies are also available at the Rockingham Public Library, and the Fire-Police Station.

Landlords are urged to share the report with their tenants, and employers with their employees, and are encouraged to post a copy of the report for review.

The report includes information on testing, maximum contaminant levels, source of Village water, and basic health information.

The Village operates a water treatment plant at Minards Pond.

BF Woman's Club presents annual student art show

BELLOWS FALLS - Members of the Bellows Falls Woman's Club will meet at Bellows Falls Union High School on April 10 for the annual club-sponsored art show.

Members should arrive at 11:30, check in with school personnel, and view the student art and quilts on display. They will choose their favorite piece from fine arts and practical arts. Students in the Family and Consumer Science Department will serve lunch at noon.

Following the meal, club members will go to the auditorium, where vocal and band music students will entertain.

Art show winners will receive ribbons and monetary prizes (for first-place winners) in the pre-judged art categories. The students whose work is voted most popular by the club members will also receive a monetary prize.

The club has sponsored the art show for more than 30 years.

Neighborhood Schoolhouse hosts open house

BRATTLEBORO - The Neighborhood Schoolhouse will host an open house on Wednesday, April 11, from 5:30-7 p.m. for their pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and multi-age elementary programs.

Neighborhood Schoolhouse is a small, independent, progressive preschool, kindergarten and elementary school serving children ages 3 to 12.

The school's mission is to inspire a lifelong love of learning and to provide students with the skills needed to contribute to their communities as insightful, effective, caring individuals.

Child care and a pizza dinner will be provided. RSVP to reserve a space at 802-257-5544. For more information, go to

Friends of the Library to hold annual paperback book sale

BRATTLEBORO - The Friends of the Brooks Memorial Library will hold its annual paperback book sale in the main room on Friday, April 13, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday, April 14, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Patrons find thousands of paperbacks in good to excellent condition.

Proceeds help support the Friends of Brooks Memorial Library, an auxiliary group organized in 1990 to support the library with advocacy, public relations, and fundraising. It also sponsors the popular Vermont Humanities Council First Wednesdays programs at the Library.

SEVCA announces free financial fitness classes

WESTMINSTER - Southeastern Vermont Community Action (SEVCA) has space available in its upcoming free financial fitness workshop.

This eight-part series will help participants discover how to use the money they have and take steps toward prosperity. Participants will learn to improve their relationship with money, increase cash flow, and experience financial security.

Other topics covered include saving, spending, credit, paying for college, purchasing a home, purchasing a car, insurance, and retirement.

“Your credit report can be reviewed with you and recommendations provided to take steps to build healthy credit or resolve credit issues,” organizers write. “This financial coaching will help you and your family develop strong financial habits.”

The series will begin on Wednesday, April 11, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. and continue each Wednesday night through June 6. (No workshop on May 16.)

The workshop will be held at SEVCA's headquarters on 91 Buck Drive.

Pre-registration is required. Call 802-722-4575, ext. 151, or email [email protected].

Putney Farmers' Market seeks vendors

PUTNEY - Vendor applications for the 2012 Putney Farmers' Market are available for download at Jury dates for new items will be announced via email.

The market will be open Sundays from noon to 3 p.m. from Memorial Day through Columbus Day weekends, May 27-Oct. 7.

The market is also filling the calendar with special events and live music. If you are interested in performing, email market manager Kristina Israel at [email protected].

If you are a prepared-foods vendor, the market does a vigorous lunch business and seeks more selection. Other categories lacking at the market are pasture-raised beef and chicken, honey and maple syrup, orchard fruits and berries, and various handicrafts like pottery. Email the manager or call 802-387-5866, ext. 122.

The market accept EBT and debit cards, as well as Farm to Family and Harvest Health Coupons.

State offices to close for renovations

BRATTLEBORO - State offices will be moving April 27 and 28 in preparation for renovations to the state office building at 232 Main St.

On April 27 and 28, all Agency of Human Services departments currently housed on Main Street will move to temporary office space at 178 Linden St., across the street from the entrance to the Brattleboro Retreat.

The offices relocating include the Department for Children and Families Economic Services and Family Services Divisions; the Agency of Human Services Field Services Division; the Department of Vermont Health Access; the Department of Health and the Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living.

Although these offices will remain open during normal business hours, people should expect limited services from these departments between April 26 and April 30 due to limited access to computer networks, phones, and equipment. Phone numbers for state offices and employees will not change. Delivery of WIC services will not be affected by the move.

The Department of Labor will be moving on the same date to a temporary location at 54 Chickering Drive. The Department of Corrections, Probation, and Parole and Voc Rehab Vermont will remain open for normal business hours at their locations.

For questions, contact Sadie Fischesser, AHS field services director, at [email protected] or 802-257-2573.

Host families needed for Spanish students this summer

BRATTLEBORO - A group of Spanish students will be spending 3½ weeks in southern Vermont this summer to improve their English and experience American family life. Host families are needed for these boys and girls, who range in age from 14 to 17, from June 27 to July 23.

The students are all from the Basque region of Spain and must have excellent grades, attendance and behavior in school and also pass an English conversational interview to be accepted into the program.

Among the available students are two girls and a boy.

• Almudena is a friendly 16-year-old girl who plays basketball, enjoys music and photography, and loves to swim.

• Jon is a 15-year-old boy who loves all sports, especially soccer, basketball, tennis, and swimming.

• Amaia, also 15, describes herself as shy yet funny and enjoys bicycling, aerobics, and basketball.

Host families are asked to provide a warm and safe home environment for the student, as well as meals and transportation to a meeting spot for field trips to New York, Boston, and Six Flags. (Host siblings are invited to come along.)

A student may share a room with a host sibling. The students have their own spending money and phone cards.

Interested families are encouraged to call Norm Oakes at 802-579-3433, email [email protected], or attend a free information session at Brooks Memorial Library on Tuesday, April 10, at 7 p.m.

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