
What’s wrong with living in Vermont?

NEWFANE — After reading Susie Crowther's Viewpoint “Plan A” [Voices, April 25] about her upcoming move to Central America, it was difficult to figure out where to begin a response. She has certainly come up with a huge laundry list of things she dislikes about Vermont.

When freezing rain hits, she “loses access to our road for [...] a month.” Huh? She sounds like many newcomers who never took the time to learn how to safely and effectively drive in our winter weather.

And then she goes on about mud season, hurricanes, crime, fires, earthquakes, and tornadoes ad nauseam. If she's directing her “materialism” rant at Vermonters, she's barking up the wrong tree. I think we rank about 50th in materialism, and many of us thrive on being minimalists.

On her comments about “culture,” I don't know who she's made acquaintances with, but it sounds like she's spent her time connecting with uber-hyper-urban types who don't know how to relax.

And what's wrong with our hunting season that she slams? It is one of our great cultural traditions, and a great way to supply true wholesome organic meat!

I feel sorry for Susie that she never took the time to learn much about the real Vermont and its rich sense of values and history.

I felt offended at a number of her comments about my home state. I think it is an excellent idea that she is planning to move to Central America. That sounds like a great place for her.

Good luck, Susie. Just think: You won't have to worry about winter down there - just a sweatbox of heat and humidity!

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