
In support of O’Connor for state representative

BRATTLEBORO — I was extremely excited to read Olga Peters' article that Kate O'Connor will be running to represent the Windham 3-3 district of Brattleboro in the Vermont House of Representatives [The Commons, June 1].

I have known Kate for many years and admire not only her incredible intellect but also her down-to-earth style, her sense of humor, her firm grasp of the issues, and her dedication to Brattleboro.

As someone who considered running for this seat in 2010, I know that Kate will stand up for Brattleboro and make sure that our town is not forgotten about in Montpelier.

Her Brattleboro roots run deep: She has a legacy of public service and community action in her family. She serves District 3 as a Town Meeting Representative, she represents Brattleboro on the Community Block Grant Committee (appointed by the governor), and she has been a tireless advocate for Vermonters during her time as Howard Dean's most trusted aide and advisor on issues ranging from health care for kids to creating jobs to protecting civil unions.

Kate simply gets it. She believes strongly that we can meet in good faith and achieve great things as Vermonters. She knows that Brattleboro's voice is important to the political discourse in Montpelier as we create jobs, grow our local economy, and support one another in these tough times.

Kate is a strong, steady, smart, and sensible choice for Brattleboro. Kate understands the complexities of policy in Vermont and the need to develop strong relationships to get tough things done. Kate will be able to hit the ground running in Montpelier as our representative, and she'll work tirelessly on our behalf to put Brattleboro first.

I am excited and proud to endorse Kate O'Connor, and I hope my neighbors in Brattleboro will join me in supporting this dynamic, thoughtful and experienced candidate to represent Brattleboro in the Vermont House.

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