Grace Cottage offers self-help class for arthritis

TOWNSHEND — Grace Cottage Hospital will offer the Arthritis Foundation's Self-Help Program for six Mondays, June 25 to July 30, 5 to 6:30 p.m., in the hospital's Community Wellness Center, 133 Grafton Rd. (Route 35). The class focuses on how to manage arthritis and lead a more active, fulfilling life.

One past participant reported that, before the class, she needed two canes to walk and her pain level was 10 out of 10. After taking the class and applying the lessons to her life, she now walks without a cane, and her pain level is greatly diminished. “This class saved me for sure. It's wonderful,” says Sher Ward of Townshend.

This highly-effective program was developed at Stanford University in 1979 for people with all types of arthritis and related conditions, including fibromyalgia. Family, friends, and caregivers can also benefit from the training, and they are welcome to attend.

Through engaging group discussion and easy-to-understand course materials, participants learn about joint anatomy and joint protection, as well as the importance of exercise, weight control, nutrition, stress reduction, relaxation, taking medications properly, and better communication with doctors.

Grace Cottage Hospital physical therapist Sindy Hassig, a certified Arthritis Foundation leader, conducts the program.

The class is free, but there is a $25 fee to cover the cost of the workbook (scholarships are available). Pre-registration is required so that enough materials will be available. Call 802-365-3649 by June 21.

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