
Proclamation was a nod to the rewards of student exchange

BRATTLEBORO — As the school year draws to a close, I would like to recognize and thank the more than 40 area families who have opened their homes and their hearts to teenagers from other parts of the world through the PAX (Program of Academic Exchange) program.

Taking a stranger into one's family is a leap of faith and an awesome responsibility, yet the rewards are abundant - for the student, for the family, and for our community.

In celebrating the generosity of these families and the receptivity of area high schools, the Brattleboro Selectboard has proclaimed June “International Student Exchange Month.”

This proclamation is designed both to celebrate the ways that international exchange enriches our community and to encourage more families to get involved in “programs that promote the sharing of ideas and experiences across borders.”

Through cross-cultural exchange, we learn so much about other cultures as well as our own, and we also discover how much we all have in common. The friendships that ensue can last a lifetime and give us hope that the world will become a more peaceful place, one family at a time.

PAX is currently seeking homes for students who will be arriving in August for the coming school year. Anyone interested in knowing more about hosting an exchange student or studying abroad is welcome to contact me at 802-257-4710 or [email protected].

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