
Happy that opposites can agree

BRATTLEBORO — A recent letter [“Stop attacking all women,” May 16] was brief, but her words cut through to something about the War on Women which is not much noticed in the media. I think the writer was probably of Republican sentiment.

On my deck discussing issues of how women are presented and perceived in mainstream media, a very liberal film director raised this very issue.

Whether Republicans are waging a war, he said, that is no reason for liberals in media such as Bill Maher to trash (in a jokey way as always) Republican women. That is quid pro quo, but furthering whom?

This is much as the letter writer suggested.

That writer's or this director's comments transcend politics as usual, and I am happy that two people from opposite polities can agree together that in this area, we prefer to vote our own ticket and find our own sense of value rather than have it told to us by national loudmouths of whatever stripe.

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