
A bigger paradigm shift

Our contractual agreement with the federal government needs to be revisited

PUTNEY — Our career-politician gubernatorial candidates are looking to reduce the stress of fees for health insurance for Vermonters while supporting a for-profit medical industry incentivized for illness? I say that we have a bigger paradigm shift to handle.

Our dear funny governor, bless his soul, hasn't described his concern that our private banking system is causing poor health, disease, and death.

He has never, to my knowledge, known the pressure of not having enough money to feed his children, pay his rent, or cover his insurance, let alone fix his car when it breaks down in the sleet.

If he had ever experienced poverty first hand, I am certain he would be on board for public banking and debt-free money as a public utility in a heartbeat.

Our elite banking sector supports specifically those national career politicians who will feed and enable their private addiction to power, separation, and control. They are no more healthy than cocaine dealers - and, indeed, a good deal less.

I'd be ashamed not to lead us away from those who have brought our planet to toxic rebellion and away from our capacity to thrive.

Is this electoral process a horse race, a car race, a sports event, a game, a show, a farce? I ask everyone, what's winning mean when the system is broken?

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I hear that U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy names our state of the union as fascism, in private. In the last election cycle, I entered the political process for the first time, as an independent candidate. I was invited to participate in fewer than six forums/debates while the established politicians had the benefit of almost 50 invites.

What kind of leaders are you when you behave as though you are afraid of an equal playing field? If I were your designated leader, every registered candidate would be exposed at every debate or forum. I'd be ashamed to stand there before Vermont without them!

I'd say to the hosts: “If you want me in this debate, then you have to include every last registered candidate.”

Have you not the confidence that your positions could stand the test that independents put them to? Without integrity, your leadership is just an empty can with a bright label, with nothing left inside to offer.

A governor with integrity would plant industrial hemp seeds in every vacant field and every median strip, fund the full implementation of processing plants, and start up green businesses through a Vermont public bank.

A governor of integrity would recognize the bounty of green jobs that industrial hemp offers, and he or she would recognize the environmental remedy that should not be delayed for a season longer.

A governor with integrity would protect Vermonters from a criminal prohibition on industrial hemp by protecting our fields with Vermont's law enforcement (if the feds have not yet stood down).

A governor with integrity would recognize that true health follows only actions of integrity, and that's how I would lead, neither owned or bought, purely serving Vermonters.

My positions mirror those of former Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul's but with a greater dedication to the women of planet Earth. I want to circulate a vision of a healed Vermont, where our economic model allows abundance in the absence of cruelty, or “Compassionism.”

It has been my path to come into politics all my life, but after much study and observation, I need to be unencumbered by obligation to corporate donors or party affiliation.

Our contractual agreement with the federal government needs to be revisited. We are the government, Vermonters! Where vested federal politicians act without our consent, we have the right, if we are not afraid to claim it, to saner policies.

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A former neighbor of mine was a famous man, and he once said, “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.”

That man was Albert Einstein.

I feel it is important for governors to first and foremost honor their oath to our “free and sovereign Vermont.” When a “free and sovereign Vermont” has been honored, then our interrelationship with 49 other states through a federal hub will have integrity.

I believe that it was a mistake not to act on Vermont law and issue warrants for the arrest of Entergy management on March 21 when they disobeyed Vermont Law.

I am one to act on my oath to protect a free and sovereign Vermont from corrupted forces like Entergy, and I will do so like a mother bear protecting her cubs by chasing away emperors who wear no clothes.

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