
Local Komen chapter shouldn't suffer consequences

BRATTLEBORO — It would be a shame if the controversial actions of a few people in the national leadership of Susan G. Komen for the Cure are allowed to taint the good work of the Vermont/New Hampshire Komen chapter on behalf of cancer survivors in our two states.

For the past eight years, our Brattleboro-based nonprofit organization, Forest Moon, has been providing support for cancer survivors and their families in both states in the form of retreats and workshops.

Many of our programs - all free or low-cost and uniquely facilitated by cancer survivors - have been supported by generous grants from the Vermont/New Hampshire chapter from donations made to them in our region.

Our home-state Komen folks understand that while a cure is a long-term goal, thousands of women in Vermont and New Hampshire are living every day with this disease. The support these women receive from Forest Moon and other Komen-funded organizations help them face the emotional and spiritual challenges presented by cancer.

A good example is Forest Moon's free workshop, “1 in 8: The Torso Project,” developed for breast cancer survivors by Pam Roberts, our program director. Here's how our invitation reads: “Join other women who have had breast cancer for a weekend of art, support, fun, and healing. Create plaster-decorated torso casts, and celebrate the strength and beauty present in each of us.”

We are proud to state that this workshop is supported by the generous and open-hearted citizens of Vermont and New Hampshire through their donations to the local Komen chapter.

We will also proudly stand - and walk and run - with our Vermont/New Hampshire Komen colleagues on Saturday, July 28, at Hildene in Manchester for this year's Race for the Cure and strongly urge you to join in to support your friends and neighbors with cancer.

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