
Integrity and honesty from Toleno

BRATTLEBORO — As a Brattleboro District 3 resident, I would like to warmly encourage all eligible voters to head to the polls on Tuesday, Aug. 28 and vote for Tristan Toleno.

Tristan is a passionate and active advocate for Brattleboro, and I am confident his critical thinking and steadfast commitment will represent us well in Montpelier.

In particular, I support his efforts to increase access to local, healthy, and affordable food options for our community and further developing a comprehensive local and regional food system, one that integrates sustainable approaches to land use and energy production.

I also support his interest in realizing a statewide, affordable, single-payer health-care system.

Furthermore, I support Tristan's commitment to making sure Vermont Yankee is closed as soon as possible and encouraging policy and regulatory solutions to hold the Entergy corporation accountable for pollution, waste storage, and site cleanup.

Most of all, I will be voting for Tristan because of his integrity and honesty. He is willing to have honest, authentic dialogue with constituents, is not afraid to make mistakes, and actively seeks input from residents.

I could not think of a more qualified and engaged individual to replace our outgoing District 3 representative, Sarah Edwards, whom I thoroughly respect and who enthusiastically endorsed his candidacy.

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