
Putney Foodshelf is grateful

PUTNEY — We are pleased to announce that the Putney Foodshelf has received an Agnes M. Lindsay Grant for two new refrigerators.

Cocoplum Appliances in Brattleboro gave us a wonderful discount, keeping it cost-effective. These energy-efficiency fridges should help on the electric bill as well, pleasing our landlord, the Community Center, who graciously allows us rent-free space.

The Foodshelf continues to see a rise in numbers of recipients needing supplemental food each week. Where does our food come from?

About 300 pounds a week come from the Vermont Foodbank. As a network agency member, we pay annual dues, which allows us to “shop” weekly at the Foodbank.

The rest of it comes from donations from the Putney community. Fresh produce donated by area gardeners and also the Putney Farmers' Market each Sunday helps us provide a healthy offering.

The Putney Food Co-op continues to donate weekly. Landmark College students donate their unused meal plan credits so we can stock those expensive but necessary items: toilet paper, toothpaste, soap, and shampoo.

And soon, we will be gearing up for our Thanksgiving turkeys and harvest bags to hand out to each family. No one should sit down to an empty table on Thanksgiving day!

Anyone wishing to donate to the Foodshelf may drop off food items at the Community Center side ramp door. We ask that donations be dropped a half an hour before we open so that it may be logged in and sorted. Once we open our doors, it gets a little crazy, and we can't always thank our donors or have time to sort the items to offer to our recipients.

Please feel free to stop in if you are in need of food assistance, to find out about volunteer opportunities, or to just say hello.

We are located at the Putney Community Center (10 Christian Square) and open 6–7 p.m. on Tuesdays and 9–10 a.m. on Saturdays.

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