Verizon Foundation provides $15,000 grant to fund Mobile Aftercare Pilot Project at Retreat

BRATTLEBORO — The Verizon Foundation recently presented the Brattleboro Retreat with $15,000 in grant money to fund a Mobile Aftercare Pilot Project.

The purpose of this project is to help alumni of the Brattleboro Retreat's Uniformed Service Program (USP) access ongoing therapeutic supports and maintain peer connections following their discharge from treatment.

“The Brattleboro Retreat runs a great program that provides much needed mental health treatment and aftercare support for men and women of the various uniformed services. This program caught our attention because it will leverage mobile technology to help patients stay engaged in their treatment plans and connected to their clinicians after they leave the in-patient setting,” said Stephanie S. Lee, regional director of public affairs for Verizon.

The Retreat's Uniformed Service Program, launched in 2009, has to date served more than 1,200 police, military, fire, corrections and first responders suffering post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other duty-related issues including substance abuse and depression.

The Mobile Aftercare Pilot Project will combine digital media, social media, and traditional media to help support post-treatment success.

Program participants will have access to a secure, online user portal (through the Retreat's website and through a mobile application) to access health information ranging from nutrition and good sleep habits to stress reduction and mindfulness techniques.

The portal will also serve up podcasts and videos offering tips and information on topics including substance abuse recovery, exercise, and yoga.

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