
Can there be legal justice for evicted tenants

BRATTLEBORO — RE: “Landlords need legal, cost consequences” [Letters, Sept. 5]:

Agreed. And where - and when - do the aggrieved get relief?

Possibly from the Vermont Department of Consumer Affairs, which has an excellent track record as far as I'm concerned, but probably has no jurisdiction.

For over five years, I've read about this-and-that housing authorities, both local and state.

Since (apparently) three states are concerned in the Bellows Falls matter [“Anatomy of an eviction,” Aug. 25], is this a federal affair, as it affects interstate commerce, or are there no laws in Vermont to prevent calamities such as been visited upon the poor in this case?

Is there a lawyer out there - on the public payroll or in private practice - who can answer on the record?

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