Volunteers complete Brattleboro Area Drop In Center renovations

BRATTLEBORO — Employees from Entergy Vermont Yankee, C & S Wholesale Grocers, and GPI Construction of Brattleboro teamed up to offer their time and services to renovate the Brattleboro Area Drop In Center.

The center, which opened in 1988, has needed attention for some time, its supporters said. Crews worked during the week of Sept. 17.

“We wanted a community project for our employees to be involved with that would make a difference,” said Michael McKenney of Entergy Vermont Yankee and vice president of the Drop In Center's Board, “and the Brattleboro Area Drop In Center needed major renovation to better provide its services to the people it serves in the community. So we at Entergy Vermont Yankee had to really make a significant renovation to the center.”

The Brattleboro Area Drop in Center is a day homeless shelter and food pantry. It offers many services to low income and homeless individuals and families. It is open to all people within the Brattleboro area. The center provides a welcoming atmosphere, a community food shelf, support services, and a place where homeless and lonely individuals can come.

Last year, the food shelf had more than 10,000 clients, and the overflow shelter served 133 homeless people. Food shelf use increased by 30 percent over 2010, as its funding decreased by 10 percent.

“It's a constant struggle to get food on these shelves,” said Drop In Center Executive Director Lucie Fortier. “We are always looking for ways to fund raise and have food drives.”

During renovations, the center was temporarily shut down, and the food shelf was moved to the First Baptist Church. The center reopened on Sept. 25.

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