
Wright for Justice of the Peace

BELLOWS FALLS — I am running for Justice of the Peace here in Windham County, and I request the privilege of your vote when you cast your ballot this November.

I am known by some of you as the co-founder of Green Mountain Traffic Control, a growing, local employer doing work on jobsites all across the state for the past 10 years, and as a charter member of the Vermont Work Zone Advisory Council, which seeks to improve on-road safety for workers and for the traveling public.

Many others would recognize me as the crossing guard who protects our younger children daily at the intersection of School and Atkinson streets.

Socially, I'm your neighbor at 75 Westminster St., tucked in between the Riverview and the Readmore here in Bellows Falls, and a fraternal member of King Solomon's Temple Lodge No. 45. I'm a husband, father and granddad, and enjoy wearing my Scottish kilt on the weekends.

I am a man who aspires to be long on civic pride and short on rhetoric, but more importantly, I am eager to go to work for the citizens of my community, and to defend and support an improving quality of life for all Vermonters.

If you will trust me with your vote on Nov. 6, I promise to begin doing exactly that.

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