‘Planting of the Daffodils’ at Exit 1 could become annual event

BRATTLEBORO — Spring has sprung early.

On Nov. 10, volunteers planted 1,000 daffodils at Exit 1 in Brattleboro in an effort organized by the Exit 1 Gateway Project. Some 25 volunteers, including six students from Kurn Hattin School, worked enthusiastically to dig a good home for each Narcissus bulb on the slope on the east side of the Exit 1 overpass.

It is expected that the daffodils, which bloom in spring, will take over the hill for years to come.

“Since everyone had such a good time and so much beauty was created,” says Martha Ramsey, facilitator of the Exit 1 Gateway Project, “we hope to make the Planting of the Daffodils an annual event. More daffodils can be planted at the Gateway next fall. In future years, if residents and businesses welcome the daffodils, more can be planted along Canal Street.”

The Exit 1 Gateway Project is a citizen initiative, supported by modest donations from individuals and businesses, recognizing the importance of Exit 1 as the first Interstate 91 exit in Brattleboro - and Vermont.

Their vision is to make Exit 1 a place of arresting beauty, and provide a benefit for travelers, residents and neighbors.

Since September 2011, volunteers have established three welcome gardens at the site. They say they warmly welcome volunteers to help with upcoming projects and garden maintenance.

To get started volunteering, contact Martha Ramsey at 802-254-2331 or [email protected].

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