
Thanks to businesses for alcohol training

BRATTLEBORO — The Brattleboro Area Prevention Coalition (BAPC) thanks the businesses that participated in the Responsible Beverage Service Trainings in December co-sponsored by the Department of Liquor Control.

BAPC recognizes the important role that local retailers and restaurants play in preventing underage drinking.

Thank you to the following businesses for participating in the training: Anchor Seafood, Backside Café, Bromley Sun Lodge, Elks Club, Fat Franks, Grain and Grinds, Happy Valley Brewery, Hermitage Inn, Neighbor's Mobil, Kipling's Restaurant & Pub, Last Chair Bar & Grill, Mama and Papa Z's Family Restaurant, McNeill's Brewery, Polish-American Club, Silo Restaurant, World's Most Delicious, Avenue Grocery, Beverage Discount, Brattleboro Food Co-op, Brattleboro Mobil, Chadwick's, Family Dollar, and Indo-American Grocery.

Sixty-one employees of retailers and establishments that serve or sell alcohol and/or tobacco attended the trainings.

Congratulations to our winners from Brattleboro Food Co-op and Silo Restaurant, who each won a $25 gift certificate in the trainings' raffles.

Sponsoring the Responsible Beverage Service Trainings is part of Brattleboro Area Prevention Coalition's comprehensive approach.

We increase collaboration with local retailers to reduce and prevent underage use of alcohol and tobacco and sales or service to intoxicated customers in our community.

Other retailer projects include the Brattleboro Responsible Retailing Project (helping licensees prevent sales or service to underage or intoxicated customers); and the Healthy Retailers Initiative, which encourages healthier food and beverage choices and discourages tobacco and alcohol use among youth.

Please be part of the solution by joining BAPC in preventing substance abuse in our community. Call 802-257-2175 for more information.

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