Post Oil Solutions sponsors citizen forum on GMO labeling

BRATTLEBORO — As part of its campaign to have genetically modified organism (GMO) food labeled as such, Post Oil Solutions is hosting the second of its two February forums on the subject Tuesday in Brattleboro.

The event is Feb. 26 at 6:30 p.m. at Marlboro College Graduate Center, 28 Vernon St., room 2E.

This forum, which is co-sponsored by the Putney and Brattleboro Food co-ops, is part of the Vermont Right To Know GMOs statewide collaborative project of NOFA-VT, Rural Vermont, and VPIRG.

Speakers will discuss their efforts to see a labeling bill passed in the current session of the Vermont legislature. Previous years' efforts were unsuccessful.

GMOs have had specific changes introduced into their DNA by genetic engineering techniques. Critics have objected to GM foods on several grounds, including safety, ecological, and economic concerns.

Organizers say the purpose of the GMO labeling campaign is not to ban GMOs, but rather to ensure consumers can make informed purchasing decisions.

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