
Brattleboro needs to better explain parking rules, fees, procedures to visitors

BRATTLEBORO — Parking is the gateway for tourists into Brattleboro, and I think we do an awful job welcoming them.

Case in point: On a recent weekend, I was parking in Harmony Lot and had the misfortunate of meeting up with three out-of-town couples wrestling with the pay-and-display machines. The three couples were not together; they just happened to all be struggling at the same machine at the same time.

The first elderly couple was looking around for a sign to explain the parking and how to use the machine.

The second couple tried to insert a bill for parking, but that wasn't working. (The machine was broken? What a common occurrence!) They were looking around at the unfamiliar area, wondering where to get change to pay for parking.

The third couple, having no change and wanting to use their credit card or dollar bills, became thoroughly disgusted and stormed off. They were not happy.

Three couples, six people frustrated in Harmony Lot because there are no signs explaining the system, to point to stores that would make change for them, or to state the hours of paid parking. There was nothing to welcome these six people to our town.

As a town that prides itself on its attraction to tourists and is sustained by them, it seems asinine that we are not more welcoming and accommodating to the very people who help sustain us. Signage and accommodating parking seems so basic, yet we fail miserably.

There are so many ways to improve: town maps by the meter machines, a map of the town, hours of operation, where to get change, and where the parking office is and its phone number. We need to keep coin machines operational.

The solution is simple. Put the money from the parking fines to work to improve the parking experience in Brattleboro.

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