
Show your kids that democracy still works

BELLOWS FALLS — Vermont is unique among the states as still holding a Village/Town Meeting Day. Nowadays, it's followed by a voting day to elect officers and perhaps decide some articles, but do not be confused. Village/Town Meeting Day is not just about talk, it's about money. Your money.

I know it can be a drag to go after a hard day of work to a meeting about a budget that's not enacted for another fiscal year. But how much is your hard work and sweat equity worth to you?

Understand that the village or town is spending your money, come hell or high water. How much are you willing to give away? Are you willing to let it slip through your fingers without so much as an “oh, no you don't”?

Article 9 of the Vermont Constitution states that “no part of any person's property can be justly taken, or applied to public uses, without the person's own consent.”

If you do not appear at the Bellows Falls Village Meeting at the Bellows Falls Opera House on Monday, May 20, at 7 p.m. to vote on the budget, you have given your consent by not casting your vote - essentially throwing away your money without knowing what it is being spent on, or why.

Please come to the Bellows Falls Opera House on Monday, May 20. Show your children how democracy works, and that it still works in Bellows Falls.

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