
Huge thanks for street fair in So. Londonderry

LONDONDERRY — On behalf of the South Londonderry Free Library, we thank all participants and volunteers for making the second annual Street Fair such a huge success and for being so flexible with the date change.

Everyone worked hard preparing and running the event making it a winner for the Library. Many thanks to all the vendors and to our volunteers who spent the day parking cars and selling hot dogs, white elephant items, baked goods, plants, and books.

A special thanks to the Town Office staff for their willing assistance and support.

In addition to the vendor fees, we received hundreds of donations whose sale helped triple the profit from last year.

The library trustees did an amazing amount of work. They are a dedicated, wonderful board!

Thanks goes out to all, including the 12 students from Burr and Burton Academy Mountain Campus, who were a tremendous help in moving books and those who helped behind the scene and on the day.

If we missed anyone, you are doubly thanked.

We are already anticipating next year's event and hope that everyone will plan on joining us again.

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