
I miss my arrogant friend

PUTNEY — RE: “Visions, values, and tragedy” [Special Focus, July 17]:

I came to the computer to thank The Commons and Joyce Marcel for this excellent, well-researched, rounded, honest look at the events at the Brattleboro Food Co-op of a couple years ago. Thanks, Joyce - yours is still the best stuff written in this area.

And thanks, The Commons. This is stuff I've felt and heard, some of. Healing will, I suppose, be long and hard. I miss my arrogant friend, Richard Gagnon. Guess I, too, felt he “took one for the team.” But the team has now changed.

The hippie “co-op” has become part of a sort of high-rise with a steel and glass off-angle front. Very chic. But it is about the people.

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