
Not my experience

RE: “Visions, values, and tragedy” [Special Focus, July 17]:

I appreciated - in some ways - Joyce Marcel's article about the co-op tragedy, particularly the opportunity to hear from Richard Gagnon and his wife, Meg McCarthy.

I did, however, find the article to be very one-sided. My main concern is the way in which Michael Martin was portrayed.

I, too, am a department manager at the Brattleboro Food Co-op. Michael was my supervisor as well as Richard's. Richard's experience was not mine.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time working with Michael. I found him to be supportive, knowledgeable, filled with great ideas, fun, enthusiastic, and hugely excited about the new store. He clearly loved life.

Of course, he was not perfect, but he was a good man with a big heart, and I miss him.

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