
A good cause at an inappropriate location

BRATTLEBORO — “Re-site the Skatepark/Preserve the Crowell Lot” signs continue to be on display around Brattleboro because the skatepark is a long way from being built.

Raising $400,000 is a major hurdle. Significant issues that have fueled opposition to a skatepark at the Crowell Lot location have not been answered by public officials.

The message found on the signs is not a negative one. Those calling for re-siting the skatepark do not oppose recreational activities for children or adults. The issue is about finding a better location for this project.

I am looking forward to the day that I can make a financial contribution to the Brattleboro Skatepark - and I will do so as soon as I feel the location is more appropriate.

Until then, I will display my sign.

If you would like a “Re-site the Skatepark/Preserve the Crowell Lot” sign delivered to you, email [email protected].

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