Too much of a good thing?

Town steps up waste, recycling pickups

NEWFANE — Windham Solid Waste Management has agreed to double its collection of trash and recycling from outside the Town Offices, responding to a request from Patricia Grace, administrative assistant.

The move comes at no additional cost to the town, Grace said.

It had been requested at a previous Selectboard meeting that Grace contact the Sheriff's Department on a report of trash being dumped outside the building where the trash and recycling containers sit.

The waste had overflowed every week by Monday or Tuesday. Solid waste had been previously picked up only on Wednesday, but starting immediately, it will be picked up every Friday and Tuesday, Grace reported at the Aug. 15 Selectboard meeting.

Whether the overflow is the result of officials producing more trash or else someone dumping illegally, Selectboard Chairman Jon Mack took a positive view:

“People should be recycling, so I guess that's a good thing,” he said.

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