Insurance options for town employees discussed

NEWFANE — The Selectboard tabled discussion of health insurance options for town employees but set a special public meeting on the subject for Thursday, Sept. 26 at 6 p.m. at the Town Office.

Town employees have a potential variety of new options for health insurance under a new federal law that aims to see all Americans covered in a health care program by Jan. 1.

They need to be enrolled by Dec. 15.

The board said at its regular meeting Sept. 19 that it looked forward to having a representative from the Vermont League of Cities and Towns attend the meeting to re-explain the town's options.

According to Larry Smith, VLCT manager of risk management services, town employee coverage could be available through Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont, MVP Healthcare, or the open market, depending on what the Selectboard opt for in October.

Smith first spoke at the scheduled public comment period of the Aug. 1 Selectboard meeting to deliver an overview of insurance options Newfane will get to offer through Vermont Health Connect, a new state clearinghouse for privately offered insurance benefits.

“One thing that will change in 2014 is that the employer really chooses the funding level: how much you're going to contribute. Employees, starting 2014, have a choice of plans” within the two carriers, Smith said.

Newfane is under no obligation to offer either or both of the carriers, Smith said. He described Blue Cross Blue Shield as a national carrier, and MVP as a regional HMO network.

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