
Breaking free from win-lose

There will not be a perfect solution to the skatepark. Let’s acknowledge that, find the common ground we share, and build on that

DUMMERSTON — I've been following the controversy over the proposed Brattleboro Skatepark for years now. I never made it to any of the Planning Board, Development Review Board, or Selectboard meetings, but I have still kept up with the latest developments due to my family's growing involvement in wheel-based sports.

My two children, Hayden, 5, and Forrester, 8, are avid skateboarders. Because no park has been built yet, we travel to Carinthia Snow Park at Mount Snow Ski Resort. We travel to skateparks in Chester, Ludlow, Bondville, Springfield, and Manchester; in Northampton, Mass.; and in Keene and Rye, N.H.

I've spent hundreds of dollars in gas just so my kids can skate, work on their skills, and have fun, especially with older kids - because they treat them with respect.

I support the latest plans for the skatepark in Brattleboro. The plans are an adjustment, leaving more green space. The park will not be just for skateboarding; the design encompasses terrain for scooters, Rollerblades, and bikes, and for a variety of abilities.

It won't just serve teenager boys, either. People of all ages and genders will find the park a welcoming, challenging, and safe space for everyone.

I feel these critical aspects are often overlooked.

But my biggest concern is how the process is playing out.

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I agree with Selectboard member John Allen, who pointed out at the Oct. 2 Selectboard meeting that we can't go back to debating the old sites. If we do, we will bring up all the same old problems and the same old fights and end up at the same old dead-ends.

According to Chris Grotke's writeup on iBrattleboro.com, Allen said, “I'm not in favor of looking at new locations.”

“This poor committee,” he continued. “What, do they start over again? We'll run into the same problems over again. All they want is a park for the kids. They've been pushed too much. That's my opinion. It's not the best location, but it is a location, and they've fought for a location for so long.”

Compromise is an act of courage and integrity. It's not perfect. But it's a step in moving forward - all of us forward.

There will not be a perfect solution to the skatepark. Let's acknowledge that, find the common ground we share, and build on that.

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I think proponents and opponents of the skatepark have sincere and respectful intentions. What saddens me is that finding a common ground has taken a backseat to one side digging in its heels until the other side cries “mercy.”

I used to think that digging in your heels in politics was cool. I thought being firm and resolute was a sign of strength and character. I don't necessarily think like that anymore. A might-makes-right approach, in my experience and much to my chagrin, results in winners and losers, hard feelings, broken friendships, and people just being mean to one another. I know none of us wants that.

I've engaged in that less-than-amicable behavior myself - just not about the skatepark. But after seeing what transpired in Brattleboro, Washington, D.C., and the Middle East, past and present, I have come to realize that this was not the right solution. Why? Because it's a win-lose situation, not a win-win situation. In retrospect, I wish I could take a lot of my words and my actions back.

I know that everyone who has been at the front and center of this issue cares a lot about Brattleboro, the skatepark, and more importantly, one another. I don't like being on opposite sides with people I care about. Many of them are my friends, and many of them identify with Re-Site.

I know the skatepark controversy will soon be resolved, because we can't keep on going like this. Let's find a way to work together soon. We can't delay the joy, smiles, and laughter (and so much more) that will result once the skatepark is built.

Make your voice heard at the upcoming Selectboard meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 5, at 6:15 p.m.

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