Selectboard offers kudos to the new owners of Bunker Farm

DUMMERSTON — At the Nov. 13 Selectboard meeting, board member Steve Glabach said he'd been to the Bunker Farm's Nov. 10 open house and had come away impressed.

“It was really, really good. I'm glad I went. It seemed like young people who are working really hard, and they did a nice presentation. They need to be complimented,” he said.

In a competitive process conducted by the Vermont Land Trust to match experienced and creative farmers with affordable farmland, four farmers recently were selected as the new owners of the 169-acre farm on Bunker Road.

Noah Hoskins, Helen O'Donnell, Mike Euprhat, and Jen O'Donnell bought the Bunker Farm from the VLT after the organization secured critical grant funds and completed a private campaign to raise $110,000 to conserve the farm.

In addition to pasture-raised meat and poultry, select vegetables, and specialty annual and perennial plants, and offering maple sap and firewood, the four have set out to provide educational and community programming.

On the farm's Facebook page ( Nov. 8, they said, “We have cows! Five young and hearty Herefords, along with two Jersey/Angus crosses have joined us at the farm. The pens were built with Hemlock trees harvested from our woods and milled by Noah.”

That post had 299 likes as of the end of last week.

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