
Around the Towns

Dog licenses available in Brattleboro

BRATTLEBORO - Brattleboro dog and wolf-hybrid licenses are now available for the 2014 licensing period. Vermont dogs and wolf-hybrids six months of age and older must be licensed on or before April 1.

License fees for dogs are $15 for neutered animals, $22 for unneutered animals. Specially trained assistance dogs may be eligible for a reduced licensing fee.

For dogs not previously licensed in Brattleboro, a first-time license must be obtained in person from the Town Clerk's office. Licenses being renewed may be processed in the Town Clerk's office, through the mail, or at

Vaccination against rabies is required by Vermont Statutes before licensing. If an animal has been spayed or neutered, the certificate issued by the veterinarian must be presented when licensing the animal for the first time. A current rabies certificate issued and signed by a veterinarian must be filed with the Town Clerk.

Dogs and wolf-hybrids licensed after April 1 will be charged a penalty. In addition, any person failing to license a dog or wolf-hybrid may be fined up to $100 and the dog or wolf-hybrid may be impounded. If an animal licensed last year has died or been given away, contact the Town Clerk's office at 802-251-8157.

Cell tower meeting in Putney on Jan. 16

PUTNEY - A public forum is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 16, at 6 p.m., at the Putney fire station. Representatives from AT&T will be present to outline their plans for a proposed cell tower site, and to hear public comments.

The site is located on privately owned land on Shag Bark Hill. The proposal involves building a 130-foot “monopine” pole that will reach at least 25 feet above the tree line, an access road, and a fenced “compound” for equipment.

Peace Corps camp featured at Dummerston Historical Society's annual meeting

DUMMERSTON - The Dummerston Historical Society's annual meeting will be held on Thursday, Jan. 16, at 7:30 p.m., at the Society's Schoolhouse in Dummerston Center.

Following a short business meeting to adopt a budget and elect officers, a program on the School for International Training Peace Corps training program will be presented.

In the summer of 1964, SIT was overwhelmed with groups being trained for the Peace Corps. They chose to train a group destined for Afghanistan at Camp Arden in Dummerston, which had not been used for more than 20 years.

Now, 50 years later, Len Oppenheim, one of the Peace Corps volunteers, and Tom Zopf, the director of the training, will describe the resurrection of Camp Arden and the experiences of the volunteers in Dummerston and abroad.

This event is free, accessible to people with disabilities, and open to the public. For more information, call Gail at 802-254-9311.

Methodist Church hosts roast pork dinner

BRATTLEBORO - First United Methodist Church, 18 Town Crier Dr., will hold a roast pork dinner Friday, Jan. 17, from 5 to 7 p.m.

The menu includes roast pork with gravy, mashed potatoes, and corn, with ice cream sundaes and cookies for dessert. Beverage will be choice of coffee, tea, or lemonade.

The cost is $10 for adults; no charge for children 12 and under with adult. Advance tickets are available at Avenue Grocery and at the door. Proceeds benefit Methodist Church outreach programs.

Winter Farmers' Market returns in BF

BELLOWS FALLS - On Friday, Jan. 17, the Bellows Falls Farmers' Market will hold its third winter market of the season at the Train Station, just across the street from its regular location, from 4 to 7 p.m.

The winter market series runs from November through March, the third Friday of each month.

The market continues to host a diversity of vendors and products. The farmers' market accepts both EBT and debit cards. For more information, contact market manager Rachel Ware at [email protected] or 802-463-2018.

'Stuff the Bus' food drive at Hannaford this weekend

BRATTLEBORO - In what has become an annual tradition on Martin Luther King weekend, Green Mountain RSVP volunteers will be inviting shoppers at Hannaford supermarket on Putney Road this Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 18 and 19, to add an extra item or two to their basket for distribution to area food shelves.

The Current bus line will park a bus in the parking lot each day, and the challenge is to “Stuff the Bus.”

Food shelves and soup kitchens benefiting from the food drive include Brattleboro Area Drop In Center, Loaves and Fishes, Brigid's Kitchen, Agape Church, Guilford Food Pantry, and the Putney Food Shelf.

For more information,contact Green Mountain RSVP and Volunteer Center at 802-254-7515.

Putney Mountain Association to hold its annual meeting

PUTNEY - The Putney Mountain Association's annual meeting is Sunday, Jan. 19, at 4 p.m, at the Putney Community Center in Christian Square. All are welcome.

The event features keynote speaker Mary Holland, author of “Naturally Curious” (2010, Trafalgar Square Books). Her program will be a photographic field guide and month-by-month journey through the fields, woods, and marshes of New England.

Special guest Mark Maghini of the Silvio O. Conte Wildlife Refuge will speak as well, noting the Putney Mountain Association's relationship to the Refuge's Putney Mountain Unit.

Workers' Center to hold meeting on universal health care campaign

BRATTLEBORO - The Vermont Workers' Center Healthcare Is a Human Right campaign sponsors a free community meeting about the movement for universal health care in Vermont.

The meeting, on Monday, Jan. 20, at St. Michael's Episcopal Church, 16 Bradley Ave., focuses on the transition to Vermont's new health care system and how to work for a system that makes health care accessible to all.

Between 4:30 and 6 p.m., there will be an action fair and a mini health screening clinic. The clinic will offer blood pressure and blood glucose testing by medical professionals, and mini-care sessions with holistic and naturopathic providers. The action fair will offer health care information from local organizations.

Between 5 and 6, dinner will be provided, with potluck dishes welcomed. The health care forum itself runs from 6 to 8 p.m.

The forum will feature a panel including Robin Lunge, director of health care reform for the Vermont Agency of Administration; Richard Davis, a local nurse, columnist, and long-time proponent of universal health care; and Ani Hawkinson, of HeartSong Health in Community, a nonprofit naturopathic practice in Putney.

Town School Board to host public forum

BRATTLEBORO - The Brattleboro Town School Board, which governs the town's three elementary schools and middle school, has announced its agenda for its first outreach session with the public. The topic is education.

This meeting, which is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 22, from 6 to 7:30 p.m., at the Academy School, will focus on what people like about Brattleboro's public schools.

The theme is “Learning In the 21st Century,” and topics for discussion include questions such as:

• What's working?

• What do we want more of?

• Given budget realities, where should we focus?

Food and child care provided. RSVP to Jill Stahl Tyler of the Town School Board at [email protected] or leave a message at 802-254-2879.

Speeches, evaluations set for Toastmasters meeting Jan. 23 at Grad Center

BRATTLEBORO - BrattleMasters, the Brattleboro-based chapter of Toastmasters International, meets the second and fourth Thursday of the month from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on the second floor of Marlboro College Graduate Center, 28 Vernon St.

The club next meets Thursday, Jan. 23. Guests are welcome, and refreshments are provided. There is no pressure to speak, and members are working at their own pace and with assigned mentors to help them meet their speaking and leadership goals wherever life takes them. For more information, visit

Friends of Brooks Library seek new board members

BRATTLEBORO - The Friends of Brooks Memorial Library Board of Directors seek two new board members. The mission of the Friends is to support the Library through advocacy, public relations, and fund-raising to provide the highest-quality library services to the community.

The board invites individuals who are interested in advocating for the library, or working on public relations initiatives and fundraising activities, to apply for a three-year term on the board. The Friends meet monthly on the third Wednesday from 4:30 to 6 p.m.

To apply for a Friends board position, send a letter of interest and current résumé to President, Friends of the Library, 224 Main St., Brattleboro, VT 05301. Applications are due by Jan. 31. If you have questions, write [email protected].

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