Transition Dummerston’s monthly program features plans for the new Bunker Farm

DUMMERSTON — This month's potluck and program for Transition Dummerston features a presentation by two of the co-owners of the newly reorganized Bunker Farm LLC.

The potluck and program will take place on Friday, Jan. 24, from 6 to 8:30 p.m., at the Dummerston Congregational Church in Dummerston Center. The potluck (local food encouraged) goes from 6 to 7, and the program will run from 7 to 8:30.

Noah Hoskins and Jen O'Donnell, two of the four co-owners of the farm, will describe their overall goals, farm projects already underway, and plans for farm-to-table marketing, environmental stewardship, and community education.

The Bunker Farm is a new farming venture which seeks to create a financially and environmentally sustainable cycle of production and consumption between clients, the family farm, and the local agricultural community.

They describe their vision of the farm as “the center of an extended farm family, consisting of our clients, our agricultural partners and collaborations, and our students; working together to foster a sense of place and identity for all while preserving and extending the traditional New England ways of life.”

Their first steps include bringing in a late hay crop, establishing garlic, asparagus, and strawberry beds, processing the first batches of chickens, settling sheep and beef herds, and installing the infrastructure in the sugar bush.

The Bunker Farm project is composed of five diverse lines of operation in order to meet a variety of needs in the local community: natural pasture raised meat and poultry; organic vegetables to be sold to existing community farm stands and co-ops; perennial flowers; forestry products, including sap and firewood for sugar makers and other customers; and educational and community outreach events.

Transition Dummerston is part of the international Transition Town movement, building local resilience and happiness in the face of climate, energy, and economic challenges.

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