
A modest proposal for the guys

PUTNEY — I've noticed a few things of late. Two things, actually.

First, most public men's rooms have one urinal, which probably requires very little water to flush, and maybe one or two toilets, each of which requires considerably more water to flush than the urinal.

Second, most men are wicked impatient when it comes to wringing the dew from the lily. In they confidently stroll, see that the urinal's occupied, and spring into a stall as though the fate of the free world depended upon it. In so doing, they save 20 seconds (maybe), and they waste a whole bunch of water (definitely).

Boys: Really, unless your back teeth are floating, how about spending the few seconds you'll save by peeing in the toilet contemplating the richness of life? Or critically admiring your most recent haircut in the conveniently provided mirror? Or whatever?

Before you know it, the gent at the urinal will have completed his mission and, with any luck, will be washing his hands of the whole business.

There. Great thoughts have been thunk, disarrayed hairs have been whipped into shape, and an impressive amount of water has been saved.

I don't know about you, but I feel better already.

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