Rockingham voters to consider $4.9 million town budget

ROCKINGHAM — The Annual Town Meeting in Rockingham this year looks like it will be relatively tranquil.

Voters will gather at the Bellows Falls Opera House on Monday, March 3, at 7 p.m. to vote on a $4.9 million town budget and a $10.6 million school budget. Both items will be voted on by Australian ballot.

Voting for town officers takes place on Tuesday, March 4, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., at the Masonic Temple on Westminster Street.

The proposed town budget for the 2015 fiscal year is $4,989,896, with $3,966,995 to be raised by taxes. This would increase town property tax rates to 83 cents per $100 of assessed value.

When taken together with the local agreement, deficit reduction, library, and social service appropriations, the town tax rate goes up to 93 cents.

The Rockingham Free Public Library has requested a level-funded budget for fiscal year 2015, asking voters to approve $364,270 for operating expenses, with $320,800 to be raised by taxes. The cost overrun of the renovations to the library stands at approximately $167,000.

The proposed annual Rockingham School District budget for fiscal year 2015 is $10,638,645.

Social service agency funding to be raised by taxes calls for an allocation of $67,228, as well as $5,000 for the support of Our Place Drop In Center and $5,000 for service support at Meeting Waters YMCA.

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