
MSA plans bus trip to see local actor in Broadway show

SAXTONS RIVER — Main Street Arts is sponsoring a bus trip to see one of Rockingham's own in the new Broadway musical “The Bridges of Madison County.”

Cass Morgan has a supporting role to the lead, played by Kelli O'Hara.

A chartered bus departs the Waypoint Center in Bellows Falls at at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 15, arriving in New York City for a 2 p.m. matinée.

The $220 fee includes transportation, lunch at Carmine's Italian restaurant, top-tier tickets for the show, and an after-show meeting with cast members. Space is limited to 24.

Morgan, who moved to the area to be nearer her children and grandchildren, serves on the board of directors of Main Street Arts while continuing her stage career.

She has played feature roles in eight Broadway musicals and many off-Broadway productions. Among her accomplishments was a starring role in “Pump Boys and Dinettes,” which she co-wrote and which was nominated for a Tony Award as Best Musical in 1982.

She says “The Bridges of Madison County” is as much about the difficult choices we make in this life as it is about the love story at the heart of the tale.

“I play Marge, Francesca's best friend and longtime neighbor. My function in the show is to kind of give voice to the questions and concerns (as well as some comic relief) around what we all think is going on over there in her farmhouse while Bud and the kids are away at the state fair.”

The musical opens later this month at the Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre on West 45th Street after a warmly received run last summer at the Williamstown (Mass.) Theatre Festival. It is inspired by the 1992 novel of the same name by Robert James Waller.

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