
Auditions set for ‘Plaza Suite’ April 2 and 3

BRATTLEBORO — Robert DuCharme announces auditions for his production of Neil Simon's “Plaza Suite” on Wednesday, April 2, and Thursday, April 3, both at 6:30 p.m. at Brattleboro Savings and Loan's Community Room (across from the library in the center of town. Enter through the back door).

Performances are at Williamsville Grange on June 20, 21, 27, and 28.

DuCharme will use three casts, one for each act - a move, he says, that cuts rehearsal time and reduces pressure for the actors.

“It would be fair to say that they would only have to memorize the lines for a one-act play,” he says.

Three male and four female leads are sought to play characters aged 30 to 50. A female secretary in that range is required, as are actors for small parts such as bellhop and waiter. A male and female actor are needed for characters aged 18 to 22.

Also needed: people interested in working on props, costumes, stage management, and set decoration, as well as other crew. No experience is necessary, and all roles are vital.

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