
Clean up after your pets, please

BRATTLEBORO — I was delighted to read that the rerouted lower section of the West River Trail is now open. I was surprised to read that dogs are supposed to be kept on a leash and that owners are expected to clean up after their pets.

I frequently use the trail, and I have rarely seen a dog on a leash. I have never seen an owner clean up after pets. In fact, my impression has been that owners regard the trail as a public bathroom for their animals - to be cleaned by someone else.

The situation had become so unpleasant that I, and a number of other regular walkers, had stopped using the trail. The stench of dog excrement overwhelmed all other, more pleasant, odors.

Perhaps a sign stating the expectation of pet owners to control, and clean up after their pets, could be posted at the Marina Trailhead?

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