
BF trustee thanks voters

BELLOWS FALLS — I thank the people of the Village of Bellows Falls for their continued support of my re-election to another two-year term as their trustee. I am both honored and humbled that you have given me your trust and confidence to do the people's business.

Please remember that as your village trustee I am your representative on the board, that I work for you, and that I'll do my best to continue to remember to serve the people.

To represent you as best I can, I need to hear from you. I can be reached at [email protected] and welcome any questions, concerns, suggestions, and comments.

I also encourage you to attend the trustees' meetings and welcome your participation and involvement there.

Also, I enjoyed speaking with all of you who spoke with me on Election Day. Thank you for getting involved and for voting.

I look forward to serving with the new board and its president. Together, we can help make Bellows Falls a beautiful place to live, work, and play!

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