
A vote of conscience is the only vote that counts

BRATTLEBORO — Democrats and Republicans operate by connecting wealthy people to previously chosen puppets as candidates rather than giving voters a real say in the choosing of candidates.

For the average person, being a Democrat or Republican is like being a sports fan: you want to vote for the “winner” of the race, but you really have no impact on the game or the consequences of the election.

Liberty Union is democracy in action: members set policies, and candidates respect those decisions. The international and historic roots of 150 years of great thinkers inform Liberty Union with a time-tested political perspective. It is an anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist political party advocating freedom, equality, and democracy in our communities and workplaces.

Working and oppressed people are organizing across Vermont to defend themselves, others, and the planet from the ravages of wealth addiction and capitalism. Liberty Union educates people about the issues and encourages active involvement in creating peace, immigrant rights, universal health care, environmental stewardship, and social and economic justice.

As we have seen, real solutions come from the people and from the grassroots of society, not from politicians. Liberty Union can unite people in creating a sustainable future.

A vote of conscience is the only vote that counts. Choosing between the lesser of two evils still puts us on the path to evil. We must cast our votes for the common good and against the materialism that now threatens to suffocate life on Earth.

Do not vote for either the Democrats or Republicans, both of whom represent monied interests and death to the planet via global warming. Both parties should be ashamed of what they have done - or not done - to the state of the Earth, the fragile condition of life itself. Humans - here for more than two million years - have allowed greed to threaten our very existence. How foolish can a species get?

Vermonters are smarter than that. We are blessed in this state to have the right to vote. Let us use it wisely.

Every election is an opportunity to declare your independence from the parties of war, capitalism, and oppression. Every election is a chance to vote for equity, for the good of all rather than the few. Every election provides an opportunity for thoughtful working and/or oppressed people to take back their personal power from those who exploit and oppress us and the Earth.

Be a powerful and conscientious citizen, and support the candidates of the Liberty Union Party in November to build a future of our own design.

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