RFPL Trustee chair steps down

BELLOWS FALLS — The trustees of the library called a special meeting Sept. 23 to discuss David Gould's resignation from the chairmanship.

Gould noted for the record that Hope Brissette had chosen to sit in the audience instead of with the rest of the board.

The former, embattled chair, Jan Mitchell-Love, voiced her objection to the meeting, saying it violated open meeting laws because Gould had not sent out the agenda himself.

Town Clerk and board secretary Doreen Aldrich told Mitchell-Love that she had contacted Brian Leven, the deputy secretary of state, and he said there was no violation when Gould asked Library Director Célina Houlné to send out the agenda.

Houlné, speaking to The Commons, said sending out agendas has often been a part of her duties as well.

During public comment, Deborah Wright said the meeting had not been called properly and therefore was not legal. To Gould, who'd asked how she proposed a meeting be called, she said the chair contacts members and calls a meeting.

Gould then read his letter of resignation, saying he was stepping down as board chair. Gould remarked that Wright's complaint of violation of the open meeting law regarding this meeting in no way informed his decision, but rather that he is under a health care professional's advice to cut down on his civic duties.

He said he will continue to serve on the board.

Carol Blackwood was proposed and seconded to fulfill the chairmanship through the rest of the term, which runs through 2016. Chairs are elected with each new term. This motion passed unanimously, with Brissette not voting as she had removed herself from the board for the evening.

Blackwood's term runs through 2017. With the 2015 elections, four board seats will open: those now held by Brissette, Karin Fischer, Carolyn Frisa, and Mitchell-Love.

Trustee meetings have been taking place at the same time as town and village board meetings. Blackwood proposed that RFPL meetings be moved to the fourth Tuesday of the month. Its next meeting is scheduled for Oct. 26 at 6:15 p.m. at the library.

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