
Let your voice be heard

WINDHAM — I sincerely thank the voters of the Windham-3 district, including the towns of Athens, Brookline, Grafton, North Westminster, Rockingham, and Windham, for your support in the August primary. I am honored by the trust you place in me.

I strongly encourage voters to exercise your right to vote in the General Election on Nov. 4. Once again, I ask for your consideration and vote.

Early-voting ballots are available now and can be sent to you by contacting your town clerk, or you can stop by the Town Office and vote right then and there. It's a great option that eliminates the concern about bad weather, ill health, or a car that won't start on Nov. 4!

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I offer my experience, leadership, caring dedication, and hard work if I am re-elected.

We face many challenges this coming biennium, including building a balanced, responsible budget, making progress in ensuring that all Vermonters have access to affordable health care and pharmaceutical drugs, promoting job creation and economic development, and continuing our work on property taxes by looking for ways to improve the system while maintaining our commitment to high-quality education for all of Vermont's children, income sensitivity, and equity.

Many other very important issues will be worked on during the next two years, and I would like the opportunity to continue to represent the people of the district in Montpelier.

The closer we come to a 100-percent voter turnout, the closer we come to a true democracy. Let your voice be heard!

I thank you for your consideration and appreciate your vote. Together we govern!

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