
Moran: Passion and drive

I vote for the candidate who I feel will do the best job for us all. Just look at John Moran's many important accomplishments in his eight years as our state representative.

John is a man of integrity and has the ability to work with the opposition in Montpelier and has built those alliances. He is respectful of their positions on an issue but willing to compromise until decisions are made that meet the goals he feels will work for our district and all Vermonters.

John has a plan and, as he walks door to door in this campaign, he listens to our concerns and shares his goals and ideas to move Vermont forward.

I am retired, and before my time is up on this earth I would love to see universal health care for my grandchildren and for all. John has the passion and drive to see that to fruition.

I feel that we all need to be more involved in the processes of making change happen. As concerned citizens, we should be asking “What more can we do? How can we help in the ways that will move Readsboro and all of Vermont forward?”

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