
Sibilia: To thrive, we must work together

DOVER — I have had the pleasure of knowing Laura Sibilia for the past seven years and to work with her in ongoing economic development efforts through her work with the Mount Snow Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Southern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS) group. Over this time, I have experienced her leadership in education, economic development, and community building.

Laura is a passionate advocate of high expectations for educational organizations. She has given her time and her talents to her community by serving in multiple leadership positions.

She thoughtfully researches issues before coming to a conclusion on how best to proceed. She listens to her community and then advocates for what she believes is in the best interest of the greater good. I have always found her to be open-minded and curious about how others view the issues of the day.

Laura understands that in order for our area to thrive, we must work together. She actively seeks to create collaboration among towns, citizens, and civic organizations because she values the voices of many and the power of a strong coalition.

Laura is a proven community leader who will represent our area with courage, professionalism, and passion.

It is my pleasure to support Laura Sibilia for Vermont State Representative. I encourage you to hear what she has to say. I think you will like what you hear.

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