Village to celebrate receipt of EPA grant

SAXTONS RIVER — Saxtons River is throwing a party to celebrate its receipt of an EPA grant for its park project with an open house Thursday, Nov. 6, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Saxtons River Inn.

Residents and friends will gather to recognize the awarding of $275,500 by the Environmental Protection Agency to help fund the cleanup and development of a park in the center of the village at the site of a former gas station.

The inn will supply a cash bar and complementary hors d'oeuvres. The dining room will be open after the party, with reservations recommended.

Representatives of Vermont's congressional delegation will be on hand to congratulate the village as the project enters the next stage: hiring a team to shepherd the design to construction.

Family-friendly activities at the celebration will include suggesting names for the park, viewing slides of the site over the years, and creating mini-banners depicting how people might use the space once the park is built.

Residents and those who pass by the site on their daily routines are encouraged to attend.

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